
Welcome To Copywriting Academy

Lectures and workshops of Copywriting Academy strives for a better and more converting content of yours. Here you can see few of our trainings for copywriting, or sales oriented writing in you prefer to use that term. If your company or organization need highly tailored and personalized services, please contact us!

Please note, that all the prices below includes a VAT.

Copywriting workshop -series

6 200,00 € (VAT incl.)

Our most popular training package gives you head start for conversion optimized writing that aims for increased sales. It is perfect induction about copywriting for your marketing and communication team.

Copywriting workshop -series includes three half-day training sessions, which are held one per week during three weeks period. Length of each session is about four hours.

Copywriting lecture, whole day

3 459,60 € (VAT incl.)

Want to turn your staff to a conversion optimizers through copywriting? The whole day copywriting lecture is personalized and tailored just for your company. It aims to increases your ability to write more sales oriented texts.

Package includes 4-8 hours lecture complex about copywriting, marketing and everything you need to know about sales oriented writing. It is a perfect fit for your training day or for part of your development project.

Do you have questions about our services?

Please, don't hesitate tocontact us. We are more than happy to help you.

3 038,00 € (VAT incl.)

Do you feel that your products or services could sell much more? Good news for you! Writing efficient product descriptions is a profound training, which gives you everything you need to now about how to sell in internet through text.

This is a perfect fit and fastlane for companies and organizations who want to improve their ability to write sales oriented texts, whether it is for ecommerce or something else.

Based on your preferences we can arrange one whole day session or two half-day sessions.

2 228,28 € (VAT incl.)

Are you in a need of clarity considering who to target your marketing to? Purchase-personality training gives you advantage over who to sell and market to, which results additional gains for your company.

In this training session we go through a process, which end result will be very real buyer personality. This helps you to target your marketing just for the right type of people who are more than likely to buy from you. Result is simple: your marketing will be much easier to execute and you will get much better results (increase in sales).

Based on your preferences we can do a one whole day session or two half-day sessions.

8 400,00 € (VAT incl.)

Are you in a need of help with your marketing campaigns or promotion copies all the time? We have a serice, Copywriting Hotline, which is perfect fit for you. You’ll receive help right when you are in a need of it.

Copywriting Hotline is a support service for sales oriented writing, which allows you to ask professional guidance for your marketing texts or other purposes. We offer a consulting and sparring service for marketing planers and specialists. Service is provided in English or Finnish.

1 798,00 € (VAT incl.)

Want to improve your staffs’ ability to write sales oriented marketing copy for example in Friday meeting or in an internal meeting? Order the Copywriting lecture.

This half-day lecture will help you to keep up with the newest marketing trends nad tactics.

The lecture is 4 hour whole about copywriting, marketing and everything you need to know about them.

Contact us now, we will get back to you within 24 hours.

Tell us about your project, which we could help you with or about training you would want to us to held for you. If you are ready for more sales and more efficient marketing we want to help you. We also offer a free phone consultation. So contact us, you won’t commit yourself yet to anything.


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